Monday, June 7, 2010

Arrive Alive South Africa|Road Safety & Health

All our roads are busy with drivers at work. The road is their work place and therefore should be subjected to the same interventions as other workplaces. Drivers in particular should be given intensive safety and occupational health training courses. Failure to give them safety wear, safety and occupational health training will add to the ever increasing road accidents. It is heart warming to know that the government is committed to road safety to the public and drivers in their work places for the sake of safer roads. Their accidents are typical work place accidents.
Arrive Alive South Africa|Road Safety & Health: "Commitment by National Department of Transport

The Department of Transport has recognized the health of drivers as an important element of road safety. The National Department of Transport, in partnership with the Swedish National Road Administration ( SWEROAD) have in the past 2 years focused on many aspects of road safety, including the importance of the link between driver health and road safety.

Although limited empirical evidence is available to prove the impact of HIV/AIDS on road safety – this link certainly exists. HIV Positive drivers suffer from aids related symptoms such as fatigue, loss of concentration and weakness from severe wasting. When negative effects of anti-retroviral treatments like dizziness and nausea are added it becomes evident that road safety will be compromised."